The Journal of Sinographic Philologies and Legacies welcomes original research articles that contribute to the study of intellectual and literary heritage of the East Asian Sinographic cultural sphere from perspective of including but not limited to literature, linguistics, history, philology, art and epigraphic studies. To ensure a smooth submission and review process, please carefully follow the guidelines below.
All manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s online submission system. The system allows authors to create an account, upload their manuscripts, and track the progress of their submission. To access the submission portal, visit
Each issue will include a featured theme section grouping several articles under a chosen topic, general submissions, and on notable works in the field.
Manuscripts on average should not exceed 15,000 words (about 30 pages single-spaced), including the main text, footnotes, and references. Appendices, tables, and figures may be excluded from the word count but should be essential for research argument purposes.
Authors may submit supplementary materials (e.g., additional data, appendices, or media files) alongside their manuscript, provided that these materials are directly relevant to the research.
All submissions must be original work that has not been published elsewhere or is not under consideration by another journal. Authors are expected to provide proper citations for all sources used.
The Journal of Sinographic Philologies and Legacies follows a double-blind peer review process. This means that:
Please ensure that any identifying information is removed from the manuscript before submission.
Authors are required to adhere to the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement of the journal, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and integrity in research reporting.
If a manuscript is accepted for publication with revisions, authors must submit a revised version via the online submission system within the specified timeframe. The revised submission should include a response to reviewers document, detailing how the reviewers’ comments were addressed.
For any queries related to manuscript preparation, submission, or the peer review process, please contact the editorial office at:
Phone: +82-2-3290-1661
We look forward to receiving your submission and thank you for your interest in contributing to the Journal of Sinographic Philologies and Legacies.